Dashiel Carrera

Novelist, media artist, HCI Researcher.


Dashiel Carrera

ARTIST / RESEARCHER: Writing, Human-Computer Interaction, Media Art, Music

Dashiel Carrera is a Half-Argentinean novelist, media artist, musician, and HCI researcher. His experimental writing and new media explore the intersection of language, sound, memory, and family.

The author of the novel The Deer (Dalkey Archive Press) and an editor at Conjunctions, his fiction, essays, and other writing have appeared in Los Angeles Review of Books, LitHub, FENCE, BOMB, Brooklyn Rail and has been supported by Breadloaf, the BANFF Centre and WordTheatre. He studied Literary Arts and Computer Science at Brown University, where he was mentored by Carole Maso. His literary agent is Chris Fischbach, former publisher of Coffee House Press.

As a sound media artist, he has won awards for his tech-art experiments from HackPrinceton, HackCooper, Brown Creative Arts Council. He has released 6 albums on the label 75OrLessRecords and won 1st Place at the WXIN Rock Hunt. He has built collaborative NFTs with Lillian-Yvonne Bertram and served as digital editor for The New River.

Currently, he is a Visiting Artist / Researcher in Digital Media at Georgia Tech. His research is broadly concerned with the impact of AI on the Arts and he runs workshop and gives talks for arts communities to prepare them for the onset of Generative AI. A PhD candidate in Computer Science (HCI) at the University of Toronto, he's previously conducted research at the MIT Media Lab and Harvard's metaLab and his work has been published in top venues like CHI, DIS, CSCW, Creativity and Cognition, and Digital Humanities Quarterly. His dissertation focuses on how Large Language Models like ChatGPT will affect the future of North American literature. He is advised by Daniel Wigdor, along with Gerald Penn, Robert Soden, and Mitchell Akiyama.